New year, a new resolution to save money? It’s easy to look at things like boiler servicing expenses and think that’s where savings can be made.
However, the reality is that the upfront costs of having your boiler serviced tend to save money in the long-run. What’s more, if you don’t like the once a year financial hit, there are ways to spread the cost with care service plans, making it even more affordable.
Saving money on boiler servicing
Let’s face it, there’s not exactly much joy from spending a wad of cash on a boiler service. We at Ecosafe might love these machines of the home, but we realise they aren’t everyone’s idea of excitement. Hidden in a cupboard and never thought of unless there’s a problem, it’s tempting to think a service is unnecessary.
However, it is precisely because your boiler is hidden away and only noticed when there is a problem that you need to get it serviced once a year.
Boilers are workhorses. They plough on, getting hot, cold, pressured and unpressured. This puts a certain amount of strain on working parts. Additionally, some components of a boiler are specifically designed to be replaced regularly. You can find out more of what to expect at an annual boiler service here.
The harsh reality therefore, is that whilst it won’t be the most exciting cash you spend, it could save you money in the long run. Problems caught early, at an annual service, are usually easier and less expensive to fix. Problems caused by dust and debris simply don’t happen, because part of servicing is a mighty good clean.
What’s more, service a boiler regularly and it will achieve greater efficiency, saving you money on your fuel bills. Heating and hot water are likely two of the biggest drivers of your utility bills. It makes sound financial sense to ensure your boiler is running efficiently.
One day, the reality is that your boiler will reach the end of its life. By having your boiler serviced regularly you put that day off as far as possible. However, you also gain valuable insight into when that day will be coming.
This allows you to prepare, financially, for the cost of a new boiler, but also practically. Being in the position to book in a boiler replacement, when it’s not an emergency, and not in the depths of winter will save you both money and hassle (and cold!).
I can’t afford my boiler service right now
A basic annual boiler service will typically cost upwards of £80. We know that our customers don’t always have that money to hand.
However, we believe so much in the importance of an annual boiler service that it is the only service available across all of our care service plans. This means that you can have an annual boiler service from as little as £6 per month.
When viewed like this, isn’t that better than a nasty shock when your boiler stops working this winter?
A moment of forgetfulness
We also know that life is busy and sometimes the need to arrange an annual boiler service simply slips the mind. This is another reason to opt for an annual care plan. By being on an Ecosafe care plan, we will contact you to arrange your annual boiler service. It’s something you can take off your to-do list, and know it’s taken care of.
Boiler servicing South West
We offer boiler servicing in and around Bournemouth, Poole and Southampton. We’re proud of our relationships with local customers, ensuring that through an annual boiler service you feel confident in your boiler and achieve peace of mind. Arrange your boiler service or care plan today by calling 0333 939 0161.